Sunday, April 29, 2007


The "broken Sun" is metaphor... For all those years that pass behind us all during nineties. It is in opposition to "the broken sword". The story begins at the beginning of nineties and ends at the may of 1999... That was the "final cut" for us - literary. We went through hard time as society and everything after that period was "after match" for us... It still runs. Not much more clear than before but it's getting brighter... The light at the end of the tunnel is far - still. So, "the broken sun" sculpture made of wood and steel bars at the end of the nineties, remains till today as an metaphorical form of our lives and expectation.

1 comment:

Srdjan Gavrilovic said...

thank you for overviewing this spot on the internet... I took a tour through yours Indonesian solid mahagony tables and some of them I really liked.... wishing you best in your further work.
